Don't say that I didn't warn all of you. I only wish that I had taken my own advice. I had ocassion to play basketball last night (Tuesday) with Jeff "The Assassin" "Formerly MVP" Gardner. Jeff, as play started, asked me why I love to bust Steve Roberge's chops on this website. I mistakenly explained to Jeff that I consider Robes a friend of mine and, since I'd only bust somebody that I like and think can take it, he became a prime candidate for this website. Gardner's brow furroughed as though I'd just really irritated him with my comment about Robes being a friend. Gardner's hatred for Roberge was never more evident. Anyway, we began playing. Shortly thereafter, as I drove to the basket, out of nowhere comes Mr. Gardner as I'm about to use my 4" vertical to lay the ball in. Gardner intentionally lowbridges me (he never even attempted to go for the ball or the block) and sends me sprawling onto the hard asphalt. Attempting to hold myself up as I fell after this unprovoked attack, I awkwardly landed on my left wrist, probably breaking it [I'll go for x-rays tomorrow (Thursday) if it still is hurting like it is right now]. As I laid there assessing the damage to my wrist, Gardner, standing right above my prone body, said something to the effect, "That's for your friend Roberge". Being in a state of shock from the fall I wasn't sure that what I thought I had heard could possibly be coming out of The Assassin's mouth. As I struggled to my feet, Gardner got in my face and, now laughing at me, giggled that what I had just incurred would be nothing compared to what awaits Robes if he ever comes to the Blacktop again. I still couldn't believe that the former MVP had said something like that to me until my son, KC, ran at Gardner with destruction in his eyes. The Assassin, ever ready, observed the kid's approach and threw a vicious roundhouse right hand at the youngster that would have done serious damage had it found its mark. Fortunately KC, being fairly quick and agile, was able to dodge the attempted blow while everybody grabbed onto everybody else and broke up the melee. For my part, I just slinked away to my vehicle holding onto my left wrist while Gardner taunted me and 4 guys held KC back. Please, all fellow Blacktoppers, heed my warning. Do not mess with Mr. Gardner or, God forbid, even mention the name Steve Roberge in his presence or this could happen to you.
I don't know what Kurtis Gonsalves' security clearance is, but I hope that it's very low. If he has a high-security clearance with the CIA or the FBI, or any other top secret-type organization, then this country's in a heap of crap. Today (8/7) Kurtis was afforded some confidential information by a fellow Blacktopper in an attempt to preempt any torturing by Hamhocks deSilva over the condition of Mr. deSilva's grass. Hamhocks was prepared to verbally assault Kurtis for allowing his dog to urinate on Hamhocks' lawn in the area just south of the pool. Previously, Hamhocks had told a confidential informant that he himself, Hamhocks, had burned the grass by spilling a large amount of fertilizer in the area in question. Knowing Mr. deSilva's reputation for busting some unsuspecting person's chops (in this case Kurtis), whether the facts warrant it or not, the confidential informant (CI) indiscreetly afforded Kurtis the information regarding the fertilizer. Later on, at the post-game festivities, when Hamhocks decided the time was right to get on Kurtis about his dog's bladder problem and the grass, Kurtis IMMEDIATELY blurted out the name of the CI and said that he knew that the large-armed one was just being deSilva-ish. Of course, at that point, Hamhocks' ire turned to the CI who had given up this valuable information to Kurtis in order to save him (Kurtis) hours upon hours of aggravation at the hands of Mr. deSilva. The poor CI had to then just sit there and be ridiculed by Hamhocks, in the place of Kurtis, who just washed his hands of the whole incident. Let this be a lesson to all Blacktoppers: do NOT give Kurtis Gonsalves any information unless you want to take his place in the barrel when he gives you up.