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The King & Mark Gonsalves Team Up On Chad Pimental

       On Saturday, May 29th, while Steve "Spec" Roberge was having another uneventful day out on the blacktop, Chad Pimental was having a career day. Pimental was dominating every aspect of the game when Cliff "The King" Furtado decided to take matters into his own hands. The King, with Chad providing tough defense, picked up his 22nd offensive foul of this Blacktop season when he flagrantly drilled Chad in the face while attempting to drive to the basket. Pimental had his defensive position staked out for 15 seconds when The King lowered his shoulder and popped Chad in the face. Of course, The King denied his atrocity (as he always does) and it was up to the one honest person on the court that day to comment as to what really happened, that The King had committed the offensive. To make matters worse for Pimental, later in the day during another controversy, while Chad was sitting out the game, Mark Gonsalves attacked Chad without any provocation. Mark, who in the years he has been playing at the Blacktop has uttered only 5 complete sentences, suddenly became loquacious and called Pimental a "loser" who shouldn't even be entitled to an opinion. Of course Robes, and his henchman Ambrose Smith, immediately jumped on this and began taunting Chad. Roberge would later have an ax to grind against Pimental after Chad burned "Spec" for 11 straight points in a game to eleven. Ambrose, maintaining his alliance with Roberge, felt compelled to assail Pimental also. Much to his credit, Chad ignored both "Spec" and Ambrose, although he did seem slightly bothered by the fact that Mark had decided to single him out.  


   On Saturday, July 3rd, Chad Pimental returned to the Blacktop, ironically on the same day as Steve Roberge's return. The last time these two hooked up Pimental tuned up Spec for 11 out of 11 points in a game. This week though it wasn't to be. While Robes didn't exactly tear it up, Pimental didn't even break a sweat. Chad (nicknamed "Stigmata" by Spec) walked up and down the court, going only from the top of the key on one side of the court to the top of the key on the other side of the court. Pimental was a total non-factor throughout the day. At one point, knowing that he wasn't getting it done, Stigmata boomed out the F-word at the top of his lungs. While we were all impressed that Chad knew that type of language, we were also all glad that we didn't have our children and/or wives with us when the outburst occurred. I'd hate to have my children call out to me as, "Hey Dad you f---" as a result of Chad's influence. As it is, my wife already refers to me like that. Imagine if Robes swore like that every time he played rotten. The words coming out of his mouth would constantly look like a newspaper cartoon character  "@#!%^&*%$#@+$#@&". He'd never get to speak without spewing a string of expletives since, as we all know, he has no game.


Who's worse: Robes or Wayne the Roofer?