BOB 3 ON 3 TOURNEY - 2004
On Saturday, August 21, 2004, 6 teams of 3 men each squared off for the bragging rights at the Blacktop for another year. The initial BOB Tournament was a battle between just two 3-man teams: Jose Gonsalves, Ambrose Smith and Lenny Grandfield versus the eventual champions, Paulo DaSilva, Steve Roberge and Norm deSilva. In a best of 49 series, the champions barely edged out the first BOB championship by a margin of one overtime victory in the final game of the series, winning the series 25 games to 24. The tournament has since expanded to a gala event hosted by the deSilvas. Steve "Spec" Roberge charges the participants $20 apiece, of which he keeps $15 per person for himself, to physically torture themselves on the Blacktop by playing between 10-13 games in a few hours of time. This year, Robes, as Commissioner-in-Chief, divied up the combatants into 6 teams as follows: 1) Mark Gonsalves, Nate Gagnier & Rick Jalbert (defending champs) - 2) Bob Craig, Sully and Magoo - 3) The King, Stigmata & Hamhocks - 4) KC Grandfield, Rasheed Eccles & Brock Morrissette - 5) Kurtis Gonsalves, NC deSilva & Jose Gonsalves - 6) Robes, Chainsaw Smith & The Assassin. A collective sigh came over the crowd as Robes announced his team, for reasons that can't be explained since they were one game and out in the playoffs. The Commish then requested a moment of silence for former champion Paulo DaSilva and the games were on. The regular season of games consisted of 10 contests per team that were heated and physical to say the least. Cliff "The King" Furtado beat NC deSilva like a bluefish by continually committing offensive fouls against him, just as he did against Lenny Grandfield at the beginning of the summer. Back then, The King committed 7 offensive fouls versus Lenny in just one game. Jeff Gardner played with reckless abandon and had enough abrasions and contusions on him that spectators believed that he had been involved in a motorcycle accident on the way to the tourney and had received a bad case of roadrash. Later in the day, in the deSilva house, while the video was being watched, Robes and Chainsaw expounded on how badly The Assassin had played and how he had killed their chances for a championship (or was that Lenny saying that?). When The Assassin arrived later on, the conversation quickly changed for fear that The Assassin would inflict bodily injury on any of his detractors. Rick Jalbert backed up his previous computer talk and "walked the walk" by playing well. It's too bad that Ricky J-Man's teammate, Mark Gonsalves, had somewhere to go and needed to drop a first round playoff game and get out of there. This is a quick summary of just some of the goings on from Saturday. Future articles will discuss Jose the MVP, Eccles shaving his Rasheed, individual members of the Championship team, etc.
The gardnertheassassin website has a BOB story on the ABOUT PAGE
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