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BOB Stories on this page (below) as well as the "About Page" and the "Contact Page" of this website. The gardnertheassassin website has a BOB article on the "ABOUT PAGE"

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Band of Brothers Tourney Stories will be on this site. Any comments should be made on the Guestbook Page of the Gardner site (above), since The Assassin filled up the Comment Section of this site (see below).


     As if it weren't bad enough that Jeff "The Assassin" Gardner has been slowly and methodically physically disabling most of the members of the deSilva Blacktop League, he then comes onto our website and taunts us with his musings and satirical song parodies to the point that he has now filled up all of the gigabytes on the Guestbook Page. Now I'm going to have to come up with another website just to have access to another Guestbook Page. Since The Assassin is primarily responsible for killing our comment section of the robeshasnogame website by writing numerous derogatory comments about me and Steve Roberge, I feel that it is only proper that the new website be dedicated to the humiliation of Mr. Gardner, just like this one has been dedicated to making fun of "Spec" Roberge. In the near future, I will be polling regular Blacktoppers to come up with a proper name for the new website. I think that something like would be appropo. Maybe that website title is a little too long to be remembered and utilized, but you get my drift. Please consider an appropriate name for the site, for all suggestions will be appreciated.     





     On Saturday, August 21, the 4th annual Band of Brothers 3 on 3 basketball tournament was held at the residence of gracious hosts Hamhocks, Brenda, NC and Erica deSilva. I hate to admit it, but BOB Commissioner Steve Roberge did an outstanding job of pairing up 18 men, in groups of three, to prepare for battle. The Commissioner's Deputy, NC deSilva, ended up being a member of the new championship team. You figure it out. The weather, although very cloudy and overcast, was actually perfect for this extensive tournament. With a 10, that's right 10, game regular season schedule, plus playoffs, only the strong could survive this tourney on a cloudy day, let alone a sunny, very hot and humid day. There is also extensive film footage of the games, lest people think that I'm exaggerating anything that I write on this website. So, Stigmata, "SHUT UP". Well, more about that later. This quick article is just to set up the further articles to come on these pages. Congratulations to the new champions: Kurtis Gonsalves, NC deSilva and MVP 69-year old Jose Gonsalves (MUCH more on this to come). Also, congrats to the finals team of  Billy "Rasheed" Eccles, KC Grandfield and Brock Morrissette, who gave the champs all that they could handle, and all participants of the BOB for having the testosterone to put it all on the line in the name of glory.    


          Steve "Spec" Roberge was unable to attend the Blacktop today (July 31) after sustaining serious multiple injuies at the hand of Jeff "The Assassin" Gardner last week. Gardner had a cavalier attitude today when informed that Spec had a severely sprained ankle and a broken hip from their altercation last week. The ever-fragile Roberge sustained the ankle injury during play last week as The Assassin assaulted him as he drove toward the basket. Gardner added insult to injury when, after play had concluded for the day, he threw Robes to the ground while he sat on a cooler and nursed his injured limb. Robes contracted a Jose-type fractured hip (a frequent elderly injury) as he landed awkwardly on the ground after being bounced, by the Assassin, from the cooler. Gardner then menacingly stood above Spec, staring down at him, as the man writhed in pain on the ground near the cooler, obviously unable to defend himself. All this turmoil because Robes' team had smacked The Assassin's team all day long out on the Blacktop. Plus, Robes had given his opinion that Gardner was overrated as an MVP. Let that be a lesson to all Blacktoppers, don't interact with the Assassin unless you're willing to go onto the disabled list for a few weeks.   



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A deSilva-ism

     President Bush has been credited with a number of Bushisms Bold
lately in various news reports. The latest one has him saying something to the effect that "the terrorists are constantly plotting our demise and so are we" as if the US Government, including our President, are out to get us. Norman "Hamhocks" deSilva has had a number of deSilvaisms credited to him also. The latest occurred today (8/7) when Hamhocks said that he suffers from "sleep acnea". In other words, as so eloquently translated by Ambrose Smith and Kurtis Gonsalves, Norm apparently wakes up in the morning covered with zits. Now, as we all know, at age 48 this can be a big problem. It's a big enough problem at age 16 but, at Hamhock's advanced age, imagine having to go to work covered in newly acquired pimples each and every morning. No wonder Junior's Convenience Store's business is going down the tubes. Would you buy any items from a 48-year old covered in acne from his previous night's sleep?